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Reflections of a crown of thorn's

I often wonder why I wore a crown of thorns, why I was not seen, why I was not heard, why I was the door mat for others negative projections.
Did I breath, did I die within, did I see the moon in my dreams, touch the stars and fly around the sun? I did as it was the safest place to be!!!

Was I a prisoner to circumstances, a prisoner to fear, was I controlled, conditioned to negative aspects in life?
Prehapes I was or wasnt? But what is normal to one person, is not normal to another!

I dont know why I felt so alone?
It must have been the part of me that was hurting, the part of me that split off into the universe.
Slide to show series.....
Did God forget me?
Prehapes I am not worthy of him?
No thats how I was made to feel!

Will I live to be old, frail
& whole in myself?
I often dreamt of being a "Dance Queen"
But I never really believed in myself? Until Now!!!!!

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