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 An Art House Film in the making

Using my creativity to narrate a film on inner transformation. Creating costumes, sourcing props and finding places for filming scenes for performance art.

With Paul Dasilva (a film producer from Promovision TV UK & an International Journalist) & Film Director Robert Chilcott (from Tiresias Films, a contributing editor of Vertigo Magazine and The Chap Magazine)





 For now I am calling it

The Ghosts of Alice

Due to contracts I am limited as an artist in what I can show here.

The story line however is about the inner topsy turvy world of Alice.

Which has been stretched to include some ethereal beings that create imagery about shadows, light & the Inner growth of the soul.

The elements of fire & broom-stone are included, as also the playfulness of the inner child, in-between the haunting by ghosts, dark entities and Alice's flight of desperation to find her inner peace.

Costume making & props

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